Game Development
Several 2D & 3D arcade games including shooters, a platformer, and some classic remakes

Video games have been a big part of my life for most of what I can remember. They were played leisurely when I was young and later more competitively. After playing so many and for so long you start to get your own ideas and want to make your own. On top of that creating them incorporated a lot of other disciplines that I'm interested in like digital art & design, programming, photography, music, and storytelling. These were all things I wanted to delve into, but in a broader way and the video game is the perfect medium for that. Below are the early beginnings to my game development career.


For the past couple of years, I've been working in Unity, getting familiar with its signature component based architecture and API. After previously learning how to make games using Python and a very barebones custom game engine, I've quickly come to appreciate the power of Unity. Below are some games that I've worked on that have taught me a lot about game development and the engine itself.


Below you'll find some arcade games that I made while learning how to program in Python. While short and sweet, they demonstrate some core programming & game mechanic principles and were fun to make.

For the most part these games acted as more of stepping stones to bigger and better things. At the moment I'm developing an arena fighter in Unity inspired by Super Smash Brothers and Rock, Paper, Scissors that you can check out here.

Tools and Technologies
C Sharp